MP Visit to St Felix
Matt Hancock MP visited St Felix today to see the excellent quality of provision available.
Following our poor Ofsted report in January we have been working with Suffolk County Council to prove that our Nursery provision should be reinstated onto the list of approved Suffolk providers. Matt Hancock came to visit the Nursery to see for himself the quality of the learning environment which St Felix provides.
He spoke to a number of our youngest pupils about their work on explorers. Our Reception children are learning about Stories from the Past and were keen to retell the story of Prometheus and the Fire, and Pandora's Box. They shared their recent work on being in Government and Abi was able to tell him that the job of MPs was not to play with playdoh, as he suggested, but to make decisions!
Mr Hancock then visited other classes in school to meet the school councillors and talk to them about their recent learning in history. Boriana explained how she was elected and Riddell class could talk about the impact of Simon De Montfort and the roots of the word Parliament - Felicity said, "From the word parler - to talk together."
Hugo in Potter Class shook Mr Hancock's hand and explained his job as a school councillor; lots of meetings!
James and Florence in Year 4 took part in a brief debate, with Mr Hancock's help, to convince the class to keep or change the school uniform. Great thinking from both children without any preparation.
Inkpen Class knew exactly what an MP did. Tilly summed it up, "You make the decisions for the country!" The class also engaged in debate about which is better - zebras or elephants. It came down to stripes versus a trunk!
He finished his visit in conversation with our SENDCo, Mrs Bryan about the challenges of dyslexia in schools.
He was very complimentary about what he saw during his visit.