SEND Information
St Felix RC School SEND Information report to inform Local Offer February 2024
SEND Links
- SEND Policy January 2024
- SEND Local Offer
- Suffolk SEND Local Offer
- St Felix Provision Map
- Early Help Offer January 2024
Welcome to the SEND area of our website. This area will help you understand the provision and support children with SEND will get at St. Felix.
SENDCo Mrs R Bamlett- contact on 01440 703775 or via
From the SENDCo…Mrs Bamlett
At St. Felix, we aim to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and make progress from their own starting points regardless of their area or level of need in line with the Equality Act 2010.
We are an inclusive school that identifies and celebrates the strengths and achievements of all pupils including those with disabilities. Children with disabilities are fully included in their class, with reasonable steps taken to ensure they can physically, socially and emotionally access all areas of the curriculum and are seen as a valued member of their class by both their teachers and peers.
We work closely with parents and pupils to ensure the best help is given and we follow a child centred approach; for example, we hold Pupil Perception Interviews where children with SEND are asked how they feel about the help that is given to them and what helps them best with their learning; This enables us to involve them as much as possible with their education using the One Page Profile.
More detailed information about the identification, assessment and interventions for SEND support, as well as how this is reviewed can be found in our SEND Policy which is on the website. Arrangements for the admission of disabled children are also detailed in the SEND section of the website under Accessibility.
What we offer at St Felix
At St Felix, all staff are front line professionals and provide Quality First Teaching; this means that all teachers provide for children with SEND at a whole class level in the first instance. Teachers adapt their lesson objectives, resources, class activities and questioning. All teaching staff have regular training sessions provided by the SENDCo and specialist outside agencies. Some staff are specially trained in delivering speech programmes including Elklan nd Language Link. Mrs Dodds is the nominated Mental Health Lead and works closely with the safeguarding team and class teachers. The SENCO holds the National SENCO accreditation.
How we ensure that children who need extra support are identified early
A child has a Special Educational Need if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability that means he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools. Children are identified as having special educational needs through a variety of ways, including the following:-
- Child performing below age expected levels
- Concerns raised by parent
- Concerns raised by class teacher
- Consultations between class teachers, the SENDCo and head teacher where progress data is discussed
- Liaison with external agencies e.g. Speech and Language Therapy Service
- Health diagnosis through a paediatrician
- Liaison with previous school or setting, if applicable
If a concern is raised regarding a child, a range of evidence will be collected through assessment and monitoring, including the following:
- A range of standardised tests
- National Curriculum Tests – Year 6
- Phonic assessments
- Ongoing classroom observation
- Early Learning Goals
Some children will require further support and intervention following the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. Teachers work with the SENDCo to establish what extra support and provision is needed to meet the needs of some children and this is documented in an Individual Pupil Plan.
Some children may need an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) and an assessment is requested with parental involvement. Pupils and parents are both involved in the review of EHCPs.
What should a parent / carer do if they think their child may have special educational needs?
Talk to us. In the first instance contact your child’s class teacher. The teacher may make the decision to involve the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) for further advice or information. If required, you may contact the SENDCo directly yourself by making an appointment through the school Reception office.
Who will explain my child’s needs and progress to me?
The class teacher will meet parents on a regular basis (this could be as part of Parent Consultations) to discuss your child’s needs, support and progress.
The SENDCo will arrange to meet parents when deemed necessary to discuss issues relating specifically to the child’s special educational needs or disability.
How will school support my child?
- The SENDCo oversees and monitors the progress of any child requiring additional help across the school
- The class teacher will oversee, plan and work with each child with special educational needs or disabilities in their class to ensure that progress in every area is made
- The class teacher and support staff will use a provision map and a tracking system to record the support your child is receiving and evaluate the impact of any interventions
- Children who are on the SEND register may have an Individual Pupil Plan with specific targets to ensure progress
Who will support my child?
- The class teacher will be responsible for ensuring that your child makes progress in every area
- The SENDCo will monitor progress and co-ordinate provision of additional support from external agencies
- Teaching Assistants work in class to offer additional support to groups and individuals as directed by the class teacher. Some of the teaching assistants in school specialise in a specific area and these staff may work with the class teacher to implement specific interventions to meet children’s needs
All children receiving Special Educational Needs Support will have access to the following:
Social and Emotional and Mental Health:
- An Individual Pupil Plan that targets the child’s specific area and level of need (this will be reviewed termly with the parents and the child if appropriate)
- Small group or one to one support at varying levels and for varying amounts of time in the day as appropriate
- Individual rules and reward systems
- Individual Behaviour Support Plan
- Social Stories interventions
- Nurture style support from TAs
- Drawing and Talking
- Emotional Literacy Support with trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
- Additional arrangements for transition
- Access to PMHW/CAMHS/Health/Social Services/ Specialist Education Service (SES)
Communication and Interaction:
- An Individual Pupil Plan that targets the child’s specific area and level of need (this will be reviewed termly with the parents and the child if appropriate)
- Small group or one to one support at varying levels and for varying amounts of time in the day as appropriate
- Access to qualified Speech and Language Therapists
- Language Link Assessment in EYFS
- Social stories
- Class visual time-tables
- Individual visual time-tables/ feelings and worries box/book of happy thoughts
- ICT support – iPads and laptops
- Additional arrangements for transition
Sensory and Physical:
- An Individual Pupil Plan that targets the child’s specific area and level of need (this will be reviewed termly with the parents and the child if appropriate)
- Small group or one to one support at varying levels and for varying amounts of time in the day as appropriate
- Provision of specialist furniture / equipment as advised by the Occupational Therapist
- The school building is accessible to all children with wheelchair access and separate disabled toilet facilities for both Early Years and Key Stage 1 and 2
- Referrals (when considered appropriate) to Physiotherapist / Occupational Therapist/ Other Health Professionals / SES (Specialist Education Service)
- Individual ICT to support access to curriculum as appropriate
- Additional arrangements for transition
- Work stations when advised by professionals
Cognition and Learning:
- An Individual Pupil Plan that targets the child’s specific area and level of need (this will be reviewed termly with the parents and the child if appropriate)
- Small group or one to one support at varying levels and for varying amounts of time in the day as appropriate
- In school diagnostic tests to further pinpoint the child’s area and level of need: British Picture Vocabulary Scale III, Phonological Assessment Battery 2, Boxall Profile
- Referrals to outside professionals if appropriate: School Nursing Service / Speech Therapist / Physiotherapist / Occupational Health Therapists /Emotional Well Being Hub / SES (Specialist Education Service) / Barnardos Neurological Developmental Disorder Pathway
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
We ensure that all children with special educational needs are provided for to the best of the school’s ability with the funds available. The budget is allocated on a needs basis to ensure that each child receives the support the school feels they require to enable them to make progress without reducing pupil independence.
The Headteacher is responsible for allocating funding for supporting children and they consult with the school bursar, SENDCo and class teachers so that the best use possible is made of the funds available. The school is committed to offering appropriate support to all children and if a child needs additional support we strive to provide this.
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision?
The class teacher and teaching assistants make constant, ongoing formative and summative assessments of the children throughout the day and their specific intervention; these are discussed with the Headteacher and SENDCo at Pupil Progress meetings as well as Parent Consultations. The Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle is implemented and documented in an Individual Pupil Plan which is reviewed at least termly.
We celebrate our effective provision with the children and share their progress with them.
Accessibility Plan
Please see the Accessibility section.
Working with parents
Workings with parents is important to us at St Felix. We understand that parents know their children best, hence parent partnership is beneficial to children, parents and teaching staff!
At Parent Consultations, the class teacher will explain a child’s progress and what extra support is being given through adapted teaching. This is also an opportunity to discuss a child's transition to the next class.
Further appointments can be made with the SENDCo via the school office.
If a parent has a complaint about SEND provision in the first instance, they can talk to the class teacher, and if necessary, further appointments can be made with the SENCO and Headteacher. Parents may also wish to use the Complaints procedure, which can be found on our website under Policies.
Transition is a time of change and we put into place special programmes to support some children’s individual needs. Programmes are not just for moving to a new school but are also undertaken for the transition to the next key stage or even a new class. One Page Profiles, transition booklets, Moving Up morning, increased time within a new class and with new class staff, are all ways that we use to support children in times of transition. Transition into the Nursery and or Reception class for children with SEND is supported with a graduated approach beginning with a visit to school. When moving to a new school or moving up to secondary school, vulnerable children are provided with additional support and receive a longer transition period and programme.
Looked after children
The SENDCo, class teacher and ‘looked after children’ leader, Mrs Dodds holds professional meetings to ensure children who are looked after by the local authority and have additional needs are supported to the best of our ability. Mrs Dodds works closely with sending and receiving schools as well as the local authority’s virtual school. Termly meetings are held to detail any additional support and its effectiveness.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including day and residential trips?
We aim for all children to be included on school day trips and residential stays. We will provide the necessary adaptations, having consulted with you, to ensure that this is successful. A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure everyone’s health & safety will not be compromised.
How does the school manage the administration of medicines and personal care?
We have a policy regarding the administration and management of medicines on the school site
- Parents need to inform the school in writing if medication is recommended by Health Professionals to be taken during the school day
- The school’s administrative staff administer prescribed medicines. If a child requires medication in school, this will be administered by one member of staff and witnessed by a second. A record is kept and signed by both members of staff
- Staff have regular training regarding conditions and medication affecting individual children so that trained staff can manage medical situations if the need arises
- If a child requires personal hygiene care this will be managed by a trained and authorised member of staff
Where can parents go for help?
The SENDIASS service is for parents, carers and children and young people (aged up to 25)
Helpline phone: 01473 265210 (9-5, Mon-Fri)
General enquiries phone: 01473 264702 (9-5, Mon-Fri)
Here are some web sites that may be helpful for parents.
Emotional Wellbeing Gateway
Suffolk County Council
British Dyslexia Association
National Autistic Society
British Deaf Association
Disability Alliance
Disability Living Fund
Down Syndrome Association
Citizens Advice Bureau
Access Unlimited in Suffolk
Children’s communication charity
IPSEA support for parents and carers to navigate SEND law
West Suffolk Neurodevelopmental Support Service 01284 636655