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St. Felix Catholic School

St. Felix
Catholic School


Maths Teaching at St Felix


Here at St. Felix we recognise the importance of Maths as a skill that will support pupils throughout their lives. Whether it is ensuring that they can work out totals and change when they go shopping, telling the time so that they are not late for work or estimating and measuring out ingredients for following a recipe, maths is integral in day-to-day life.

Through the teaching of Maths at St. Felix, we aim to develop children’s confidence with maths, by recognising their starting points and helping them to recall a range of number facts with increasing automaticity. We try to foster a curiosity with maths so that children are able to identify patterns and make links so that they are able to apply what they have learned to new situations.


Maths is taught daily following White Rose in years 1-6 and Maths Mastery in Early Years. Learning is broken down into small, sequential steps, with children encouraged to develop fluency and apply new learning to problems within the course of a lesson. Working walls in the classroom help to record key learning and provide a visual reminder for pupils to refer back to. Manipulatives and pictorial representations are routinely used within lessons to help develop pupils’ understanding of new concepts. Additional time is spent in addition to the daily Maths lesson to help children develop automaticity in basic skills such as recall of addition and subtraction facts, tables facts or basic arithmetic skills.


Pupils make good progress in Maths by the end of Key Stage 2, with 75% reaching the expected standard (above the national average) and 36% reaching Greater Depth.

Termly assessments in year 2-6 track the progress pupils are making towards the expected standard for the end of the year. Where pupils have been identified as vulnerable to underachievement, additional support is put in place in order to help these pupils catch up with their peers. This may be in the form of additional support within lessons, or additional small group interventions led by a teacher or teaching assistant.

St Felix Calculation Policy

Progression Maps


Number Facts

Number and Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division

Fractions, Percentages and Decimals