If your child is absent from school through illness, please telephone the school on 01440 703775, choosing Option 1, and leave a message on the absence line before 8.40am each and every day your child is absent. Alternately, you can email or message via Parentmail.
The school doors are open between 8:40 (8:45 for Reception children) and 8:50, allowing the children to enter for the start of the school day.
If your child arrives after 8:50 they MUST come into the school via the office, sign in the late book and register the choice of packed lunch or school dinner.
Attendance is very important and we would remind you that you should not be taking or keeping your child out of school unless it is completely unavoidable, ie illness or hospital appointments. We would remind you that the school policy requires parents to notify us of a child’s sickness by phone or parentmail each day of absence. Failure to do this will result in unauthorised absence being registered.
Dental and Optician appointments should be made after school finishes. All the dentists and opticians in the local area are very accommodating and will endeavour to make appointments after the end of the school day or during the holidays.
All pupils are expected to reach attendance levels of 97% and above to be able to access and achieve their potential at school.
Pupils only attend school for 191 days per academic year (this means that the other 174 days they are at home with you!!)
In line with current recommendations holidays in term time are NOT allowed.
Persistent absence from school will be investigated by us and the Education Welfare Services and fines could be implemented for each child to each parent.