Lockdown Week 5
Children's Mental Health Week and Internet Safety
5th February 2021
I hope you are all well and have benefited from the mental health activities we have been doing with the children this week for Children’s Mental Health Week. Expressing yourself has brought a smile to many faces here in school and online, including mine, and that is something we all deserve and need at the moment.
I am sure you have seen the weather forecast for Sunday and Monday. Our aim is to keep the school open to key workers where possible but if there are safety concerns and the school has to close we will inform you via parentmail and you can check the information on https://schoolclosures.suffolk.gov.uk/ In the event of complete school closure all children will be taught via the remote learning platforms – Tapestry or Teams.
Next week Tuesday 9th February is Safer Internet Day and that is another crucial element in our lives at the moment. The focus this year is: An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world. We have been encouraging the children to think about fake news. How can you spot it? Is everything you see on the internet true? We will produce a special assembly on Tuesday to share this message with all our pupils and it would be a good chance for you to have conversation with your child about their safety online. You can also watch a video here to help your child think about what you can trust on the internet
Over half term the school will be closed to all pupils. It is however important that we continue to cooperate with NHS Test and Trace so if your child has been in school and tests positive for Coronavirus on either Saturday 13th or Sunday 14th February please contact the school via the admin email – admin@st-felixrc.suffolk.sch.uk . The email will be checked for a short time each day and actioned initiated with PHE if necessary.
We would like your children to take part in this year’s National Literacy Trust’s survey of children and young people aged 5-8 and 9-18 that explores their views on reading, writing and listening. This year they have also included a few questions on how pupil’s literacy behaviours might have changed as a result of the pandemic. Additionally, they also ask about mental wellbeing, diversity and resilience.
On Words for Life, the parent-facing site of the National Literacy Trust, they have published some guidance for parents and carers to help children complete the survey at home: https://wordsforlife.org.uk/activities/annual-literacy-survey-guidance-for-parents/
The surveys can be accessed online via these links for each age group. Year 4 pupils should complete the 5-8 survey if unsure.
Your age 5-8 survey: https://research.literacytrust.org.uk/s/ALS5to8_2021_StFelix/
Your age 9-18 survey: https://research.literacytrust.org.uk/s/ALS21_StFelix/
All surveys need to be completed by pupils online by Friday 26 February 2021.
- They should take about 25 minutes for the survey to be completed.
- Pupils should be able to answer the questions in this survey independently. However, please help feel free to help your child and younger children will need support to read the questions. Pupils who struggle extensively can terminate the survey by clicking exit.
Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support and for staying at home whenever possible. Please do get in touch with questions and keep warm this weekend.