New Reading Leaders

Thursday saw the first assembly by our new Reading Leaders to launch their November Non-Fiction initiative.
Bella, Irin, Wren, Isabel and Faith are the St Felix reading leaders for 2023-24. Their first assembly saw them launching their competition to encourage children to read non-fiction during November. Non-fiction encapsulates more than just fact books - diaries, how to guides and puzzle books are all different genres within the cannon.
Research from the National Literacy Trust shows that children who read non-fiction books are more likely to advocate for their environment as encouraged by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si. They will be asking pupils to design postcards to show how they feel about the ocean and encouraging them to complete three word reviews of non-fiction texts.
The HSA are very supportive of the school and regularly fundraise to ensure good quality texts are available to all age groups. The reading leaders delivered a set of non-fiction books to EYFS donated by the HSA. The children showed their appreciation during the assembly.