Anniversary Mass with Bishop Peter
Pupils and staff welcomed Bishop Peter Collins, the new Bishop of East Anglia to St Felix to share Mass for our 50th anniversary.
The bishop joined St Felix at 10am and quickly put us all at our ease with his openness and friendly manner. He led Mass at 10.30 alongside Canon David Bagstaff and Father John Warrington. Mass was attended by the pupils, staff, governors, trust board representatives and former heads.
The children sang beautifully to excellent playing by Mrs Lashmar, a former headteacher. Y3 and y5 even provided a descant to two hymns. Pupils in Y5 and Y6 led prayers and reading and Y4 carried the offertory. The bishop blessed bookmarks donated by the HSA.
After a wonderful service, the Bishop visited the classrooms to meet the children and see how St Felix functions. Pupils were eager to say hello and receive a handshake. A delicious lunch was provided for the adults and a chance to look at records and photos from the school's 50 years since 1973.
The children all had a piece of the birthday cake and a bookmark to remember the occasion.
A huge thank you to all who contributed to this very special day.