Christmas Preparations

Christmas jumpers, lunch and decorations galore; today St Felix enjoyed all the festive fun of getting ready for the arrival of Jesus.
The children looked fantastic in their Christmas jumpers as they arrived at school this morning. Then it was down to work creating recycled decorations to adorn the school in the last week of term.
As part of our Harvest Festival, classes pledged to remember their role as stewards of creation throughout the year. Pupils used scrap paper, old decorations and packaging to create crowns, trees, snowmen and garlands.
Lunch was a jolly affair. All the pupils shared Christmas lunch, served by the staff, with music and table decorations. Even the brussel sprouts were well received (by some!) and Mr Thirkell as a Christmas Elf delighted the children in KS1.
The Christmas tree is up, the corridors are looking festive, the candles in the wreath are getting lower and all that remains is our carol service next Friday to bring the term to holy conclusion.