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St. Felix Catholic School

St. Felix
Catholic School

Cafod Lent 2021

It is one of our EMERGE aims to treat all as a single human family where all are brothers and sisters as per Fratelli Tutti

The Cafod Lenten focus for this year is Water. There is a National Water Droplet Trail on Saturday 20th February however we will take part in school on Friday 26th February as this is Family Fast Day.

Our Lenten preparation should contain three elements:

  • Almsgiving
  • Prayer
  • Fasting

On that day we would ask that each child in school brings a silver coin as their donation to Cafod and we will use these to cover a large water droplet template. (almsgiving)

Each class will be walking 10,000 steps collectively as their Lenten offering by giving up their time. (fasting)

Each child will have a water droplet template to add their prayer/thoughts for others (prayer) and these will be used to mark the trail.

Please do get involved at home :